Sexo Diccionario Urbano

Sexo Diccionario Urbano: Top 5 Colombian Sex-Related Slang Words

Many of Nassau Escorts speak Colombian Spanish, and like any other language, has its unique set of colloquial expressions and slang words. Some of these are related to sex and relationships. Here are five sex-related jargon words commonly used in Colombia:

  1. Chimba: This versatile word can be used to refer to both positive and negative situations. In a sexual context, it’s often used to refer to the male genitalia.
  2. Arrecharse: This term is used to express sexual arousal. It’s equivalent to saying “to get turned on” in English.
  3. Pico: In Colombian slang, “pico” is an alternate word for “beso,” or “kiss.” The phrase “darse picos” means “to make out” with someone.
  4. Atravesado: While this term can mean daring or bold in other contexts, in a sexual sense, it’s often used to describe someone who is sexually forward or adventurous.
  5. Calentura: This term is used to describe a strong sexual desire or lust. It can also be used to refer to a brief, intense attraction or infatuation.

These terms offer a glimpse into the colorful and expressive nature of Colombian escorts Spanish and its approach to sex and intimacy. They represent the openness and vivacity of Colombian culture and its candid approach to topics, such as erection during sex, that are often considered taboo in other societies.

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